The best painting I’ve ever seen

Seriously, no kidding! And I’ve been to many art musea…

But you have to go see it for yourself, otherwise you can’t enjoy it. So here are the directions:

Go to the fourth floor of the Indianapolis Museum of Art – there you just need to find it! It’s very innocuous, even boring looking, I almost left it after a few seconds. And don’t read the labels and descriptions of the paintings, they would spoil it for you :)

Just a couple of silly pictures enjoying the winter


Přeju pěkný nový rok!

Tady jsou nějaké fotky, co jsem za poslední (víc než) rok vyfotil. A abyste to měli zajímavější, jsou tu v (ne tak docela) náhodném pořadí, můžete třeba zkusit hádat, kde jsem všude byl :)

Spring Break

Last week we had the spring break and to make it better, the weather decided to go crazy – most of the last 10 days we had temperatures (well) over 80°F = 26°C – and this is March! First I was happy about the sun and everything, but it’s getting too much, somehow I got used to sleeping in the cold :)

Since I got back from Europe and India only not too long ago, I decided to stay here. Here are some highlights: one night (while it was still freezing) I slept outdoors at a pretty secret place not too far from campus. Another day I biked to Delphi, a small town nearby. They have some nice trails and parks (full of nature, including some snakes) there with a stream just perfect for taking a short bath (not deep enough to swim, though) – and a great unused railroad bridge!

But the best thing was the burning prairie: I was just walking around when I saw some fire – and then more and more of it! It was quite intense (but only the dead, dry grass and shrubs burned, leaving space for new ones and trees). Fortunately I didn’t have a camera with me, so you can imagine it for yourself!

Nothing new

Some people have been asking me how I’m doing, as I haven’t written anything recently. The thing is that nothing that exciting has been going on :) Just the normal semester with doing math, reading books, and meeting friends.

One cool thing is that with a few friends we started a “Student Colloquium” here at our department at Purdue. The idea is to give expository and fun talks about our areas (by grad students for grad students). So far it’s been going quite well, usually with an audience of around 20 – and with quite a lot of people interested in speaking as well. You can check the abstracts here.

The weather is gradually getting cold and uglier, but beforehand, I’ve been riding quite a lot around on my bike. I found a wonderful sand beach at a small, clean river nearby and spent half a day sunbathing there (in October! that would be unimaginable in CR). The area around is amazing, I’m really looking forward to spring when I’ll be able to go there some more! Another day, we went canoeing on the river with a Chinese friend, that was great as well.

And I’ve noticed some funny things about how languages work in my head. Although I’m thinking almost entirely in English most of the time, there are some particular things that I still express in Czech. For example reading numbers (especially page numbers when looking something up in an index in a book) or some mathematical symbols (eg the implication sign). And at least one more good example I can’t remember now :)

And I’m going to Colorado in two weeks. For a Fulbright seminar, but also for a bit of travelling before. First I was thinking about backpacking in the Rockies, but it seems there will already quite a lot of snow up there, so probably it’s not such a great idea.

We’re also organizing elections of the new board of our Purdue Fulbright Association, so it’s a bit tricky finding candidates – anyone interested? :)